Simon Say’s

Oi Oi Moseley, Long time no communicate. You may or may not have noticed that there has been no Eye On Moseley for some time now. That’s because we sold each and every last one of our readers e-mail addresses to large multi-national companies and fucked off on...

Simon Say’s

Evolution is an imperative in both process and organism. Without evolution there is stasis, and stasis leads only to entropy. Consequently I am having to find ways of expanding the limited appeal of this column far beyond it’s natural lifespan. I mean,...

Simon Say’s

Sonum Lia Haberra Postulatii ! (or Hello…) Ah, Winter. A time when the most hardened hedonist looks inward. Long, cold nights seem to arrive just in time to give us all pause for thought. A chance to reflect on the good and bad work we may have been responsible...

Simon Say’s

Hello again. Many thanks to those of you who wrote in to congratulate me on my self-portrait. Unlike Mr.Holdsworthy my art is not “an armless child…”. I would have to say that my art is more like the body of a size 20 woman forcibly constrained into...

Simon Say’s

I thought that after the stale abortion that was last month’s column, maybe I should put more effort into my monthly tirade. It is hard to be inspired by one’s front room indefinitely, and writing something challenging each month was becoming more and more...

Simon Say’s

Well, I still hate every last one of you. Another month comes round and you expect me to just keep giving. It takes a lot, you know. My monthly column combines forthright expression with a previously unseen fluidity of language. The motivation doesn’t come from...