shopfitting_farmfoods2We said it would never happen but at last someone has bought the Meteor Ford site and are willing to invest money it to create an unparalleled retail experience. Everyone who lives in Moseley was touched by the vitriol and passion that managed to get Tesco kicked out and we’ve all been waiting to find out who fancies having a go at winding up the most hysterical suburb of Birmingham.

With great excitement it was revealed yesterday that Farmfoods will be relocating their flagship store from Newtown shopping centre to the Meteor Ford site. Farmfoods have become famous  for really cheap, really cold food and also having Farm in their name so it seems like they’ve grown it themselves.


A representative from Moseley Business Association told us “For many years Moseley has been closely associated with farmers, our farmers market is famous as far as Knowle and Rowley Regis. We’re really pleased that we’ve bagged a prestigious name like Farmfoods to come and shake up Moseley and give us a real taste of food from the country.”

Everyone else we spoke to said “at least it’s not Tesco”.





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