Holding Out For A Hero

Bonnie Tyler might well have been looking for a hero since 1984 but it goes without saying that her search would have been considerably shorter if she lived in Moseley. When publicity shy, Liberal Democrat candidate, Martin Mullaney foiled a burglary he once again...

Intelligent Life “Outside Moseley” Shocker!

Prominent xenobiologist, Professor Michael Hawes, shocked Moseley today with the announcement that there could indeed by intelligent life outside Moseley. In what could be a career-threatening move, Professor Howes has published a paper in the Moseley Journal of...

What do they want?

It’s election week and you know what that means don’t you? Yes there are people out there who want you to vote for them. But why the hell should you? Why should you bother to wander all the way to a school or even a community centre just to put a tick on a...

Call This an Election?

As every right thinking citizen will know we are shortly due to take a ride on the yearly roller coaster of fun that makes up our local elections. Unfortunately this year Moseley candidates seem to have been taken over by some sort of horrific malaise. Few candidates...

He’s Back

Following Eye on Moseley’s lengthy campaign to get Ken Hardman to, once again, stand as the runner up in Moseley’s local elections, we can now announce victory. Nominations for the exulted post of Moseley Councillor closed to today and included the shock nomination of...