First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit

It will come as some relief to Moseley residents to hear that the most recent meeting of the Kings Heath Forum agreed an ambitious programme of aid for their impoverished neighbours in B13.   As Kings Heath gets national recognition for its resurgence they have...
Moseley Shoals

Moseley Shoals

As Moseley Folk Festival gets ever closer news has reached us that this years line up isn’t quite what the organisers would have wanted. We were all bemused when we saw the inclusion of Ocean Colour Scene on the bill and it seems the people who booked them were...


The news that the popular Digbeth pub, the Rainbow could be forced to shut its doors forever was greeted yesterday with typical liberal hand-wringing. Whilst most people think the closure results form the parochial actions of a sonically challenged buffoon, our...

Knight vs Right

With election fever gripping Moseley like an angry parents hands round a child’s throat it was inevitable that matters should eventually lurch into the surreal. Preposterous rumours of marauding gangs of skinhead bikers, er marauding, has provoked the Moseley...

Twist and Shout

An unseemly row seems to have broken out between the residents of Kings Heath, Moseley and Balsall Heath as a result of the recent opening of the “Corridor of Death” (please note nobody actually died). Residents of the various areas are up in arms...