Pay Or You Go.

We’ve all walked through the park on a sunny day, past the crowds of ganja smoking youngsters, and upon seeing a squirrel or bird thought “Aaaaah.”. Indeed most of us would probably think that having an abundance of animal and bird life would be a...

Nice Hole

Fears that there had an evolution in space and time and the creation of a multiverse were laid to rest last night, when it was releaved that the cause of the suspected “big bang 2” was actually a man’s fart. Fears were initially raised on Tuesday...

Simon Say’s

Moseley. Moseley, Moseley, Moseley. What’s wrong with you? We’ve given you more pubs than you can shake a stick at. Different types of pubs, with different types of drink. Of varying strengths. We’ve given you a plentiful supply of outsiders (as...

Lone Moseley Resident in Delayed Di Shock Shock

Psychologists have been on high alert this month after the appearance of a lone tribute to the late Diana Spencer was discovered in the village. In what can only be described as “Floral Terrorism”, this callous act of ferrous refoliation was reminiscent of...

Blood On The Streets

The continued tensions between the Sandford Road Massive and the Chantry Road Mafia recently resulted in more violence in central Moseley. The two groups have harboured mutual resentment since early April when the Sandford Road Massive began tearing up and down...