
This site uses cookies and you need to know this.

It uses cookies that are put there by Google Analytics that help me look at how many people have visited the site. This is for my own personal satisfaction and I don’t give this information to anyone else.

If you leave comments on posts then it stands to reason that I will have that information as well. I’m not going to do anything with it.

Those buttons that allow you to put things on Facebook and Twitter.  They leave cookies as well. It’s all a trade off really, I think they’re handy but you might think they’re a gross invasion of your privacy. If you do you probably need to go to another site, somewhere else.

There are probably other cookies that are place through WordPress. I’m not sure what they are.

I’m not a big fan of this cookie law thing but I hope that the effort I’ve put into writing this will keep me out of prison.

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