meteorMoseley was rocked recently by the news that property developer, Simon Marsh has decided to drop his planning application for the Meteor Ford site.

The contentious plan challenged the normally easy going residents and brought about the very real threat of insurrection. Mr Marsh, it seems, has rethought his plans and is instead considering building a Fortress of Solitude on the corner of Wake Green Road and Oxford Road.

In a statement, made through his solicitors he said “Mr Marsh is deeply disappointed that humanity has rejected the helping hand of progress. He feels that he must consider his next move. He intends to do this from a fabulous palace constructed of ice and glass. He will construct this entirely with the power of his own mind. The design will be largely sympathetic to the surrounding conservation area.”

Such a development is obvious concern to neighbouring residents and businesses but it appears there is little that they can do to challenge the plans.

Someone with dubious planning qualifications told us “Most people don’t realise that on seeing the version of  Superman featuring Christopher Reeve a substantial revision of planning law was sought. The Callaghan government passed the Planning Amendment Act 1978 that specifically exempts the development of any  “Fortress of Solitude” from Local Authority planning control.  On the plus side we would anticipate little impact on traffic as a Fortress of Solitude inherently has few visitors.”

With the forthcoming development of the Scientologists “Temple of Evil” in Moseley, we’re shaping up for a battle that could challenge mans very right to exist on this planet.

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