Councillor Martin Mullaney took justice to the streets this week, lending new energy to the greatest threat to public order since the time when there was a bit of a fight on the village green. In a bold, unprecedented and quite, quite bizarre move, Councillor Mullaney fly-posted the village with pictures of his own face and home phone number.

The heartfelt statement on the posters “Tough on Fly-posting, tough on the causes of Fly-posting” bought traffic to a stop and made old men cry with real emotion, such was it’s intensity. A number of fly-posters handed themselves in to local authorities and it is believed that this is the final step in turning the tide against these evil poster Nazis who make their money from the tears of our children. We salute Martin…sorry Councillor Martin Mullaney, and the Liberal Democrats. Long may they carry on doing whatever it is they do.

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