HOSThis morning Woodbridge Road’s very own House of Spies issued a heartfelt plea for the people of Moseley to collectively put some trousers on. Whilst business appears to be booming in the world of international espionage it seems that what we do in the comfort of our own homes is having a very real impact on recruitment.


The manager, owner and proprietor of our local snoopers told us “when I took the lease on for this massive shop everyone loved spies, now thanks to those left wingers at the Guardian it’s almost impossible to find people who’ll come and work here. Over the next few weeks I’ve got a class of Year 10s from Queensbridge School coming in here to do work experience. It’s quite hard for me to sell a career in spying when you’re flapping around in front of your webcam like an angry elephant. So please, just for the next few weeks, try and put some pants on when you’re “writing emails.” Oh  yes, and the man on Park Road with the thing like an extra head, that shouldn’t be there, go and see a Doctor.”


We think it’s not an unreasonable request, think of the children.

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