christmas_soldierAs we will be about as inclined to write a story on Monday as you will be to read one, we thought we’d get all of the Christmas greetings out of the way in one go.


Merry Christmas.


In many ways this will serve as the Christmas Card you were expecting.


A big thanks to everyone who’s persevered with reading this nonsense over the last year. Next year will be our fifteenth year of spreading lies about the good people of Moseley, as a special treat it might be best if you didn’t expect any deviation from our philosophy of quality over quantity  and barely contained irritation.

As a special treat for people that have made it this far down the page we’d like to give you a special treat. Moseley’s second best ukulele group Moselele performing their own Christmas gift, Do They Know it’s Christmas. This is simultaneously the most horrific and most awesome thing you’ll see on the Internet this Christmas. Moselele will be hosting their annual Christmas Sing-a-long at the Prince of Wales on Monday the 23rd in the beer garden. Go down and join in, being able to sing is no barrier to entry.



As we think of the legacy of the great Band Aid project of 1984 it’s important to remember that whilst famine might well have been addressed in Ethiopia we still have the scourge of hunger and homelessness in Moseley.


Sifa Fireside do great work to help homeless people in Moseley so why not take a few minutes to donate a bit of cash to help them help other people this Christmas?


See you next year.

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